Striped Background CSS Generator

Generates CSS code to create a striped background.
The angle, width, color, and spacing of the stripes can be freely customized.
The output CSS code can be easily used by copy and paste.

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▼ Pattern

  • px
  • px

Additional Setting

CSS Code

.stripe {
  background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #06b6d4, #06b6d4 10px, transparent 10px, transparent 20px);


  • It is intended for use with modern browsers and may contain CSS properties that are not supported by IE or older versions of browsers.
  • The reset CSS of this site is based on “modern-normalize.css”. Depending on the reset CSS and other stylesheets loaded in your project, there may be differences from the preview appearance.

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CSS Generators

UI Parts Generators

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